4 Places Electric Car Drivers Want to See EV Charging Stations


Not everyone who owns an electric vehicle has a charging station in their home. Apartment dwellers, especially, may run into challenges finding overnight charging solutions if their home doesn’t have EV charging stations.

In an era when more than 37% of the labor force works from home full-time, workplaces may not be the most convenient solution to charge EVs, either. Drivers may have to rely on public chargers in places like restaurants and shopping centers with EV charging stations to keep their EVs powered. 

Whether you are a landlord or a business owner, installing EV charging infrastructure can attract people to your property. You can even create a revenue stream through EV charging infrastructure. Is your property a good candidate for EV infrastructure? If so, we can show you how. 

1. Multi-Unit Dwellings (MUD)

In an informal Twitter poll of EV owners, primarily within the Tesla Twitter community, many said they want to see EV charging stations in multi-unit dwelling, high-rise apartment complexes, as well as in condos and townhouses. 

Developers and landlords could bill tenants for kilowatts, charge a flat-rate added to monthly rent, or offer it free to attract tenants. In non-gated communities, landlords could open the chargers to other EV drivers, too — at least until they have enough demand from tenants to keep the chargers full consistently. 

Track Usage to Make the Best Choice for Your Apartment or Housing Complex

EV Connect makes it easy for property managers, developers and landlords to install the right EV infrastructure for your property. Our software enables you to track usage, so you can control energy costs with real-time data. We will even help you secure rebates through federal and state programs.

2. City Municipalities and Parking Garages

EV drivers without chargers at their home or in their apartment parking lots may seek out public parking garages and municipal parking lots to charge their vehicles while they work, shop, or even park overnight. 

Cities can benefit from servicing their community and providing substantial charging opportunities, and can bill drivers as another form of revenue. Other options may include train and bus station parking lots. For instance, the State of Maryland installed EV charging stations at their rail stations to better support commuters who drive EVs. The infrastructure supports the state’s goal of having 300,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2025. 

Since most municipal parking garages have solid electric infrastructure nearby, adding EV charging stations would be cost effective. There’s also the possibility of installing solar carports or overhangs in municipal lots to power the chargers, creating a self-sustaining revenue stream. 

3. Commercial Real Estate

Installing EV charging stations in retail developments can attract customers, which will make your retail and hospitality tenants happy. One EV driver on Twitter noted, “[E]very time I go charge at a Target, I end up going in and spending money.” 

If EV drivers tend to spend more than 20 or 30 minutes in your parking lots, installing EV charging stations can encourage them to choose your shopping center over others in the area. Additionally, with 9.8 million retail workers in the U.S. as of 2018, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, installing EV chargers in retail shopping centers can provide employees with the EV charging infrastructure they might need daily. 

Consider Installing Charging Stations in Office Space Parking Lots

Just as retail workers require EV infrastructure, office workers can also benefit from EV chargers in their building’s parking lots. EV charging infrastructure may even help recruit or retain top employees in the tech sector and other highly competitive fields. In one survey, 40% of millennials said they chose a job because of the company’s sustainability steps, and 75% of millennials said they’d take a pay cut to work at a company that’s environmentally responsible. EV charging infrastructure in your parking lot sends a strong message of sustainability. 

4. Hospitality Venues

Some EV drivers may hesitate to take long trips because they are concerned there may not be enough EV charging stations along the way or at their destination. Hotels that welcome travelers with EV infrastructure in their parking lots can charge more per room and entice an environmentally conscious customer base. Because EV drivers tend to be higher earners with larger disposable income, they are more likely to spend more on room upgrades, at your restaurant, in your spa and any other amenities you may offer. 

Additionally, attracting a sustainability-minded clientele may also help your hotel save money in other areas; guests may be more willing to reuse towels and bed linens and use less water, overall, during their stay. They are also more likely to use less energy to heat or cool the room, and will remember to turn off lights. All these small changes aren’t just good for the planet — they can impact your hotel’s bottom line.

Not to mention, you can add charging costs onto your guest’s bill just as you might with a daily parking fee, helping your EV charging infrastructure pay for itself and create an additional revenue stream for your business. 

Let EV Connect Help You Find Powerful Solutions

When you’re looking for EV charging infrastructure, you want a solution that will encourage EV drivers of every make and model to take advantage of charging services on your property. 

You need experts to help you calculate how many charging stations you need, and the type of equipment that will work best for your customers. For CRE developers and hotel owners, a wise investment can boost your building’s bottom line. For city and state municipalities, the right charging stations can attract EV drivers to your area.

Connect with us to tap into the incredible profits of EV charging infrastructure through EV Connect. 


  1. https://voxeu.org/article/how-americans-use-time-saved-working-home

  2. https://evconnectcom.com/apartments

  3. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/09/profile-of-the-retail-workforce.html#:~:text=Retail%20Jobs%20Among%20the%20Most%20Common%20Occupations&text=In%202018%2C%209.8%20million%20workers,the%20total%20U.S.%20labor%20force

  4. https://www.fastcompany.com/90306556/most-millennials-would-take-a-pay-cut-to-work-at-a-sustainable-company


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